Maria is expecting her first child in two months. Most of
her friends already have children and she is starting to notice in social get togethers with them, infants, even in their first months, are being included in the
These infants are often being left in car seats during the
gathering. They are sometimes awakened by the noise level or having to be
nursed or bottle fed while the mom is involved in the verbal exchanges that are
happening. She also notices that these infants are often fussing and unable to
enjoy a peaceful sleep.
After months of these observations and comments by her
friends regarding the challenges they are having with their infants’ sleep
patterns and eating habits, Maria makes a commitment to her expected child that
she will have a very different approach and plan once her child is born. She is
taking six months off from work and plans to spend 99% of that time with her
child except for unavoidable emergencies.
She has read our book and is most impressed by the challenge
of allowing her child (which she is going to call Eric) to respond to his own
body clock for sleep patterns as well as learning his hunger signs for
nutritional needs.
She knows she will have to be a consistent communicator and
a skilled interpreter of her child’s message.
She experiences some errors along the way with Eric i.e.
picking him up after nap when he is crying since that usually means he is still
tired. Instead she should provide him with a soft voice and touch lulling him
back to sleep to complete the nap and wake up well rested.
Eric also beings making a unique sound when he is hungry
which helps improve her success at satisfying his nutritional needs. Maria hires a nanny for three months and ensures she is
following the same approach.
By the time Eric joins our day care at nine months he is a
very contented child, sleeping soundly with no help. And well on his way to
being a great eater.
Best of all, he is curious, happy and confident. He has
benefited enormously from his mom’s early commitment to him.
It is hard to believe, but most of the infants who have
joined our day care, were already displaying anxiety with both sleep and food
as well as needing some form of attention such as motion most of the time they
are awake.
Like every important responsibility you take on, you have to
educate yourself, commit your time to the task, and necessarily set aside the
social life you may have had.
Time flies, provide your children with the care and
attention they need! You both will benefit!
Create the best possible foundation for your family!
Good Luck!
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