We have just completed six months of toilet training and thought it would be a perfect time to share our recent experiences with you.
As you know, every child is different, and consequently they may handle that major responsibility a little differently.
Note: We do not use a portable “potty” for several reasons:
-We want a child who is training to feel like a big kid doing exactly what the big kids do, this is a great motivator.
-It is less work.
-We do request that our families stay close to home for the first home training weekend. When training is completed, your child will be comfortable accessing public facilities.
-We are so committed to proper language that it is important you child is using the correct terminology for both the facilities and body parts.
Following are some of the specific behaviors our recent trainees either benefited from or displayed.
1. Make sure by the time they are being trained, that they are being given responsibilities they have to do at home. No matter what!
For example:
-Put their dirty clothes in the hamper.
-Help set the table.
-Help dress themselves, select appropriate items of clothing for them to choose from.
-Take out the garbage.
-Help make their bed.
-Help feed any animal pets.
-Any task they are capable of managing with little or no assistance.
This is a maturing and responsibility building process and will definitely be an important component of your child’s ability to take responsibility for using the bathroom facilities when needed.
2. Make sure they have helped select their underwear. Sometimes it helps if you say something like “You can’t pee on Thomas” or any character or design they have selected.
3. Watch them closely for the first two weeks. Don’t forget that this is a major learning curve for them and you need to be a vigilant coach.
4. It was more successful if one of the teachers remained in sight rather than actually in the bathroom. The child gets the message immediately that this effort and task is theirs alone. We are only supporting them.
5.Early in the process a child will display a behavior that is their signal, for example: crouching, hiding in a corner, touching their training underwear, getting really quiet when they were just talking.
6. If it has been an hour or more since they peed, have them go to toilet before you give them a drink.
7. Resist the urge to reward them every time they are successful.
They are taking responsibility for what is usually their last “baby” function. This is especially true when they resist doing bowl movement in the toilet and will rely on their nighttime diaper or their underwear. You are expecting them to complete a natural task in the process of growing up. When they are successful (and they will be) it is a major source of self-confidence.
8. Ensure your child accompanies you during your toilet time whenever possible.
9.Children with strong personalities and assertiveness tend to train at a younger age. They often are more work in terms of accidents, but it is important that you respect them and their request to be trained. Denial can undermine their confidence and stops an opportunity for them to accomplish a challenging task. They may signs of anger and regression at not being listen to.
Those children who show no interest until they are in the 3 year range may make the accomplishment in an easier manner. They are often more laid back about it and somewhat calmer in nature.
You must respond to who they are.
10. During the first month of the training cycle, do not expect your child to tell you that they need to use the bathroom, nor will they say yes when you ask them if they have to do so.
-You will want to take a more direct approach and tell them when to go.
-One, to one and half hours at the beginning is best for success.
-You will extend these times as they gain confidence and control.
-If weather conditions require more water intake, stay close to a bathroom.
Key Issues-Make sure you are approaching this process from a relaxed place.
-Keep calm at all times.
-Reinforce the positive.
-Include your child in the tasks necessary when there is an accident. It will make them feel accountable and responsible.
Under no circumstances is your child punished verbally or demeaned!
This is a major growth experience for everyone!
Good Luck!
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